Lace Dress + Slip
Please wear the dress and (1).Upper Body Part of your skin tone.
Lace Dress
You don't need to detach your body parts.
Rigged Mesh
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Contains :
1. Lace Dress
2. Lace Dress + Slip
3. Upper Body Parts for 4 skin tones (You need this upper part to wear the dress + slip.)
*COCO* Fashion Doll
Rigged Mesh
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1. Please detach the doll's L & R Upper Legs (7).(8), and L & R Lower Legs, (9).(10).
You need the doll's Mid feet.
2. Wear the boots, the shoes base (Mid), and the L+R Leg Parts of your skin tone.
They are only for COCO Fashion Doll.
I hope you enjoy my dolls:)
Thank you so much!
COCO Fashion Doll & Clothing