Thank you so much for your help and support.
I hasten to inform you the donations of COCO charity boots.
(from March.12th to March.16th)
The donations totaled L$107,400.
Added my donation, and totaled L$117,400.
I exchange L$ to US$, US$ to JP¥
L$117,400 → US$435.74 → JP¥35,000
I sent your donations directly to Japanese Red Cross today.
Thank you once again for your generous support.
With many thanks,
cocoro Lemon

Here is a receipt.
All proceeds of the charity boots go to Japanese Red Cross Society.
The boots are [modify ok / copy ok / no transfer]
Please resize the boots and fit them on your feet.
The alpha layer is included to hide your feet.

Japanese Red Cross Society
My blog
Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars