Hello there,
Thank you so much for your support always!
Did you participate in the photo contest? Not yet?
Hurry up! The entry deadline is near at hand. (Nov.28th)

Theme : Party
Entry Deadline : November 28th. 2010
Award :
Grand Prix - L$25,000 cash
Award of COCO - L$10,000 cash + extra prizes from the items of COCO
Award of U&R DOGS - L$7,000 cash + extra prizes from the items of U&R DOGS
Award of LIKKA*HOUSE - L$5,000 cash + extra prizes from the items of LIKKA*HOUSE
Jury's special award - L$1,000 cash

Please wear at least one item from one of 3 brands, COCO, LIKKA*HOUSE, and U&R DOGS
in your photo.
Click the poster in my store, and get more information!
We are looking forward to your great photos!
My blog